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Addi Duerksen

Vase Life 101: Keeping Cut Flowers Fresh

Make your bouquet last twice as long with these easy care instructions.

Everyone wants to know how to make their cut flowers last longer. As a florist, people ask me all the time, "What's the trick? Do the old wives tales work?" Online articles and old stories suggest adding everything from bleach, to soda, to pennies to your vase water. Unfortunately, these tricks often do not work and can even expedite the aging process.

Black Cat Bouquets has slowly developed a reputation for long lasting flowers. I've had customers report their roses looking brand new after four weeks! I'm thankful that y'all get the most out of your arrangements, and I'm happy to share what I know to spread the wealth.

While there's not a single solution to long lasting blooms, there are some easy steps anyone can take to ensure your flowers stay bright and beautiful!

Tip #1 - Keep it clean!

The most impactful (and easiest) thing you can do to extend vase life is to keep the vase filled with clean, clear water. Clean water prevents bacteria from blocking the stem and ensures everyone stays healthy.

Clean water, above all other tips, will keep your blooms bright and full as long as possible. Change your water whenever it becomes discolored or cloudy.

Tip #2 - Chop chop

You've probably already heard that when you get flowers, you should cut the stems before putting the arrangement in water. Thankfully, this is exactly what you should do when unwrapping your bouquet, and every time you change the water.

Think of a stem as a million coffee straws. Bacteria, plant material, or even large minerals in the water can get stuck in one of these straws and block water from getting all the way up to the bloom. One or two blocks are no big deal, but block enough and the flower slowly dehydrates and dies.

Each time you replace the water in your vase, cut another 1-2 inches of the stem to ensure maximum water absorption. The best cuts are at a 45 degree angle for maximum surface area. This will keep your water cleaner, longer and your blooms firm and healthy.

Believe it or not, these blooms are 3 weeks old in this image! The only sign these blooms are aging is the yellowing greenery! I used a floral food packet for the first week, then replaced the solution with fresh water weekly.

Tip #3 - Use the Flower Food!

Flower Food has three basic components: a sugar, a bio-inhibitor, and an acidifier. The sugar provides a source of food to the cut flower. This feeds the plant and allows. immature buds to continue developing. Yes, that's right. Your bouquet continues to grow even after you take it home!

The bio-inhibitor, or bleach, prevents bacteria and other microbes from feeding on the sugar in the solution. As previously discussed, bacteria can block the stem and prevent blooms from staying fully hydrated. The bio-inhibitor in floral solutions are carefully formulated to be safe for plant materials and are carefully balanced with the concentration of sugar in solution.

Bear with me as we get technical on this one. Maybe you remember discussing concepts of cohesion and adhesion in Chemistry (maybe not.. no shame here). Acidifying the water makes the water molecules not only stick to each other better, but it also helps the water molecules move more rapidly up the stem. Remember the coffee straw analogy? Acidifying the water helps the water molecules grab the sides of the straw and travel against gravity.

When using floral food, make sure to read the instructions on the packet! Sometimes, you can get more than one use per packet.

Tip #4 - Buy a ~Special Spray~

So you're the overachiever. I appreciate you. I see you. If you really want to go above and beyond, consider purchasing an anti-transpirant spray. There are a few options available to consumers. The most popular brands being Crowning Glory and Finishing Touch.

Anti-transpirant sprays are basically anti-perspirants for plants. The spray seals the pores on the petals and plant surface, preventing excessive water loss. These sprays can be pricy when purchasing without a retail license, but they truly make the difference if your blooms are out in the heat or without a water source.

Solutions are often formulated for different situations, so check the instructions before purchasing! Some solutions are best for designs without a water source (ex: corsages, boutonnieres) and some are formulated for traditional floral arrangements.

All designs from Black Cat Bouquets are processed with a 3-step Hydration Treatment, ending with an anti-transpirant spray, so no need to double dip when purchasing from us!

Live Long and Prosper!

In conclusion, flowers live longest when they have easy access to fresh water. Keep it clean and use the tools provided to you by professionals. I hope you learned something! Use these tips, and you're sure to get the most out of your cut-flower arrangements.


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